Legacy Historical Trail

Notable encounters that shaped the 1909 /10 Smithsonian Expedition were the thriving societies that were trading in diverse commodities predominantly the agricultural commodities that were being exported to Europe and beyond like coffee,cotton,barkcloth and bananas .This not only explained the advancement of some societies but projected the future of these territories.‘Uganda cannot be made a white man’s country, and the prime need is to administer the land in the interest of the native races, and to help forward their development”- Theodore Roosevelt, Guildhall London.

About the Roosevelt Africa Safari Coffee Range: The Back Story
The Roosevelt Africa Safari Coffee is inspired by the Iconic 1909/10 Smithsonian African Expedition with a visit where he collected plant and animal specimens for the new Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington DC right after his second term of Presidency.
An enduring legacy that continues to contribute to conservation through provision of scientific data used for habitat ecosystem preparation for endangeredWhite rhinos being reintroduced in Ajai Wildlife Reserve in Uganda.
The Roosevelt Africa Safari Coffee is adopted after arguably the most coffee drinkingUS President who is assumed to have gotten the extra vitality to do such expeditions while reading and writing ferociously fueled by the beverage which he consumed up to a gallon a day.
President Roosevelt was also fascinated by East Africa’s effortless growing coffee and at thattime was among the top exports ofUganda behind organic cotton. The blossoming Africa heencountered changed his conceptions on the continent and was a pillar component for histhird term presidential run.
In Buganda where he spent the Christmas of 1909 and welcomed by the young Kabaka Daudi Chwa in his palace,roasted coffee berries(mmwanyi)were given as a sign of warm welcome in an elaborate process as a show of diplomacy especially and likewise in neighboring Kingdoms of Bunyoro ,Tooro and Ankole. Coffee in East Africa dates back before the advent of colonialism when beans were used to establish blood brotherhood covenants(okutta omukago) .
In Uganda one of Africa’s top coffee exporters at 367,800 tonnes it is credited to an outstandingquality facilitated by volcanic fertile soils, outstanding climatic conditions across the equatorwith specialty farming methods. It also produces both robusta and arabica.
An enduring legacy that continues to contribute to conservation through provision of scientific data used for habitat ecosystem preparation for endangeredWhite rhinos being reintroduced in Ajai Wildlife Reserve in Uganda.
The Roosevelt Africa Safari Coffee is adopted after arguably the most coffee drinkingUS President who is assumed to have gotten the extra vitality to do such expeditions while reading and writing ferociously fueled by the beverage which he consumed up to a gallon a day.
President Roosevelt was also fascinated by East Africa’s effortless growing coffee and at thattime was among the top exports ofUganda behind organic cotton. The blossoming Africa heencountered changed his conceptions on the continent and was a pillar component for histhird term presidential run.
In Buganda where he spent the Christmas of 1909 and welcomed by the young Kabaka Daudi Chwa in his palace,roasted coffee berries(mmwanyi)were given as a sign of warm welcome in an elaborate process as a show of diplomacy especially and likewise in neighboring Kingdoms of Bunyoro ,Tooro and Ankole. Coffee in East Africa dates back before the advent of colonialism when beans were used to establish blood brotherhood covenants(okutta omukago) .
In Uganda one of Africa’s top coffee exporters at 367,800 tonnes it is credited to an outstandingquality facilitated by volcanic fertile soils, outstanding climatic conditions across the equatorwith specialty farming methods. It also produces both robusta and arabica.
Conservation and Tourism Social-Economic Impact.
The Roosevelt Africa Safari Coffee will use portion of sales for continued conservation effortslinked to the 1909/10 safari like the Ajai research Centre which has used scientific data to helpConservation and TourismSocial-Economic Impact.
With the efficient rewilding of rhinos in Ajai reserve where President TheodoreRoosevelt camped and collected Rhino specimen now found in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.
The Roosevelt Africa Safari Coffee brand will share an enduring story to theWorldwhile continuing a Conservation legacy.
With the efficient rewilding of rhinos in Ajai reserve where President TheodoreRoosevelt camped and collected Rhino specimen now found in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.
The Roosevelt Africa Safari Coffee brand will share an enduring story to theWorldwhile continuing a Conservation legacy.

cotton - coming soon

barkcloth - coming soon

bananas - coming soon

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